Missing Dia Channel Datapoint

The following payload creates a Missing DiaChannel DataPoint alert. This alert type fires when the interval between data point uploads or data point measurements exceeds the requested time. Devices may cache data uploads, uploading infrequently (for example 24 hours), but uploading many measurements (for example, 24 total measurements if sampling every hour).

This alert automatically resets when data is reported.


  • scope.type: One of Group or Device.

  • scope.value: If type is Group, then value is the full group path (with no leading slash). If type is Device, then value is the full device ID. If type is XBeeNode, then the value is the XBee node extended src address.

  • uploadInterval: Fire if the amount of time between uploads exceeds this interval.

  • uploadTimeUnit: The units of the uploadInterval value—seconds, minutes, hours.

  • readingInterval: Fire if the amount of time between individual samples/reading exceeds this interval. readingInterval}} value—seconds, minutes, hours.

  • channelName: The dia channel name or wildcard (*) for all channels.

  • instanceName: The dia channel instance name or wildcard (*) for all instances.

  • reset.disabled: Resets automatically when data is reported, you can disable this by specifying true.

	"type": "Missing DiaChannel DataPoint",
	"scope": {
		"type": "Device",
		"value": "00000000-00000000-000000FF-FF000000"
	"fire": {
		"parameters": {
			"channelName": "chan1",
			"instanceName": "*",
			"readingInterval": "10",
			"readingTimeUnit": "minutes",
			"uploadInterval": "1",
			"uploadTimeUnit": "hours"